CTI, the Cooling Technology Institute, advocates and promotes the use of environmentally responsible Evaporative Heat Transfer Systems (EHTS) for the benefit of the public by encouraging education, research, standards development and verification, government relations and technical information exchange. CTI publications cover design, manufacture, testing, maintenance and repair of open and closed circuit wet, atmospheric cooling towers, providing cooled water for air-conditioning, manufacturing and electric power generation.

CTI TP99-04

CTI TP99-04

Evaluation of Design Loads for FRP Composite Columns

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-05

CTI TP99-05

A Comparison of Crossflow Cooling Tower Splash-Type Fills

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-05a

CTI TP99-05a

A Comparison of Crossflow Cooling Tower Splash-Type Fills

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-05b

CTI TP99-05b

A Comparison of Crossflow Cooling Tower Splash-Type Fills

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-05c

CTI TP99-05c

A Comparison of Crossflow Cooling Tower Splash-Type Fills

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-06

CTI TP99-06

Structural Design Evolution of a Large Fiberglass Fan Blade

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-07

CTI TP99-07

Tweaking-The Art and Science of Successful Cooling Water Treatment

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-08

CTI TP99-08

Improved Power Plant Performance With Evaporative Steam Condensing

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-09

CTI TP99-09

Get the Limits of Cooling Tower Design: Low Approach-Large Range-Cold

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-10

CTI TP99-10

The Retrofit of a Large Cooling Tower at an Oil Refinery in Vienna in Combination with a Significant

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-11

CTI TP99-11

Advanced Airfoils for Cooling Tower Fan Blades

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-12

CTI TP99-12

Cooling Tower Water Conservation Using Solubility Chemistry

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-13

CTI TP99-13

A Non-Metallic Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for Cooling Tower Plume Reduction

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-14

CTI TP99-14

Conversion of a Crossflow Tower to a Double-Level, Multi Fan Counter Flow Tower

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP99-14a

CTI TP99-14a

Conversion of a Crossflow Tower to a Double-Level, Multi Fan Counter Flow Tower

$7.00 $14.00

Showing 631 to 645 of 666 (45 Pages)